Oracle SOA 12c Custom XML inside SOAP Envelop Header in BPEL

        In this topic we are going to discuss on how to configure custom xml inside SOAP Header while calling a SOAP target endpoint from a BPEL process in Oracle SOA 12c. Please follow the step by step process as mentioned below.
Oracle SOA 12c

Related Questions/Queries :
  • How to set custom header snippet inside SOAP envelop Header of  BPEL process.
  • How to pass custom header tag inside SOAP envelop Header of BPEL process.
  • Calling SOAP service with custom header in Oracle SOA 12c.
Description of Use case :
  • We need to call a SOAP service with custom header tag inside SOAP envelop header.
Software & Application :
  • JDeveloper
  • SOAP-UI Version 5.5.0. 
Pre-requisite :
  • Need to have Developer access in the SOA em console.
Steps to follow :
  • First find the below xml snippet highlighted below which we need to pass while calling the SOAP target endpoint.Remember this is a custom xml which will be added along with the default other tags.
  • Check the namespace and prefix associate with the element.
  • Now you need to create one xsd/schema file corresponding to this xml.
  • Create a Element Type BPEL variable using this xsd file in your Jdeveloper project.
create variable
  • Assign the value to those xml elements.
assign value
  • Now go to "Header" tab in the Invoke activity, where you are calling your target endpoint.
  • Browser and select the variable which you have created and assigned values.
select in header tab
  • Now your integration is ready with custom header configuration. Complete the other activities in your BPEL as per the requirement and deploy the process in the server.
  • After deployment test the service with your payload.
  • You can see the value assigned to your xml elements.
  • Please note, I have changed the variable name from 'CustomeSOAPHeader' to 'Login_CustomHeaderVal' as per our environment standard. This change is NOT applicable for you. [ below Screenshot ]. 
Audit trail
  • Also note that, you can't see the custom element xml in invoke activity of audit trail.
Here comes the end of the basic configuration of custom SOAP Header in Oracle SOA 12c. Feel free to post your comments/suggestions/queries. I shall be happy to respond to those.  

Thank You . Happy Learning !!

Oracle SOA 12c Custom XML inside SOAP Envelop Header in BPEL Oracle SOA 12c Custom XML inside SOAP Envelop Header in BPEL Reviewed by Technophile-SOA-OIC Blog on July 11, 2020 Rating: 5

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